SALVAGNINI Sheet Metal FMSs (Used) #3787

SALVAGNINI Sheet Metal FMSs (Used) #3787
The purchases on our part of used Salvagnini FMSs (from different Countries) are quite frequent, but also the rotation of the stock is usually quite rapid. For this reason, we no longer publish -having, after, to soon remove them - so many individual descriptions of the equipment that from time to time is available for sale.
Now we mostly make our proposals on the basis of the information provided by the enquirers on the Models or the work capacity of interest, the maximum acceptable "age" of the equipment of interest... and/or, of course the available budget.
For the entire "Salvagnini" range we are able to take care of the disassembly and reassembly+commissioning of the equipment, of its overhaul and re-equipment, of the training of the customer's staff.
We provide buyers with complete assistance, like the Manufacturer himself.
Manufacturer | SALVAGNINI |
Model | Sheet Metal FMSs (Used) #3787 |
Condition | Used |
Stock Number | 854634 |