F&P Gutter Corner Tooling & Equip. (New) #3760

F&P Gutter Corner Tooling & Equip. (New) #3760


For making Gutter Corners like those in photo 2 for example, a Hydraulic Press with 120ton force or bigger is required.

The following are also required:

- a sheet blank in correct size according to Gutter Corner dimensions

- a press tool for deep drawing

- a press tool for rolling the outer edge of sheet

- a press tool for cutting the waste material

- a press tool for bending the inner edge of sheet

Videos are available that show the manufacturing process.

Information necessary to receive offers from us:

a) materials to be used

b) tensile strength min/max

c) yield strength min/max

d) sheet thickness min/max

e) gutter size

f) your investment budget



ModelGutter Corner Tooling & Equip. (New) #3760
Stock Number829427