F&P Skein Wrapping M/c - Mod. 410 NV (New) #3691

F&P Skein Wrapping M/c - Mod. 410 NV (New) #3691

orCall +39 393 577 2205


The machine wraps steel wire skeins in a polythene film

Automatic cut at the end of the cycle, optional

Skein ID: 600mm to 1200mm

Skein OD: 800mm to 1500mm

Skein Weight Max.: 1ton

Polythene Film Coil ID/OD: 50mm/220mm

Polythene Film Width: 85mm

Installed Power: 4kW

Further details in the Attach., at the bottom



ModelSkein Wrapping M/c - Mod. 410 NV (New) #3691
Stock Number5020.5