F&P Press Automation QUESTIONNAIRE #3665

F&P Press Automation QUESTIONNAIRE #3665


To illustrate "cases", in relation to which you may be interested in receiving our proposals:

please use the Questionnaire in the Attach. at the bottom (at the end of the page), following the instructions hereinafter in its compilation.

Thank you.

Press Machine info

a)     Specify: mechanical or hydraulic press/es; - if mechanical: simple eccentric machine/s? or, when link-drive type or any particular kinematics: a motion-diagram is required, in case of continuous press-cycle and synchronized automation (typical case: double bar synchronized transfer system).

b)     Specify: C-frame or straight-sided type/s. Advise if the press table/s smaller than the daylight/s between uprights ('type a') or not ('type b').

c)     Show if the feed-direction/s is/are from F1 or from F2. Refer press-sketch.

d)     Indicate what table/s dimensions.

e)     Indicate what available space/s between uprights, with reference to the sketch of press type.

f)      Indicate what external dimension of press/es.

g)     Indicate what daylight/s between ram and table, with the slide is at TDC -- or fully open, if hydraulic press/es.

h)     Indicate what press table height/s from floor.

i)      Indicate what ram stroke/s.

j)      Indicate what ram adjust/s, if mechanical press/es.

k)     In case of shaped or square blanks with side-length differences, specify wich parts orientation --with reference to feed-direction:

X=shortest blank side, Y=longest side.

Press Tool change


a)     Indicate whether for changing tool, the table/s get moved out of press/es.

b)     With reference to the material feeding direction: show from which side of the press/es, the bolster exit is for tool change.

c)     Show whether for tool change, the entire bolster/s gets moved out of press/es.

d)     In case of press/es with rails besides, to move more than one bolster: show where the rails are.

e)     Show whether the tool/s are mounted on press table by reference pins.

f)      Show -and in case, attach drawings if they're available- whether the press/es is/are provided with flanges, typically on uprights, for hanging automation equipment.




a)     Specify the operations made in the press/es.

b)     Specify what distance/s between the operation-centerlines.

c)     Specify what tool height/s with the press ram/s at BDC, or closed if hydraulic press/es.

d)     Specify what height of upper half, for the smallest tool/s*. (*the half-tool that gets hung to press ram)

e)     Specify what height of lower half for the smallest tool/s*. (*the half-tool that gets hung to press table)

f)      Specify what height of upper half, for the largest tool/s*. (*the half-tool that gets hung to press ram)

g)     Specify what height of lower half, for the largest tool/s*. (*the half-tool that gets hung to press table)

h)     What distance/s between tool columns and guiding-bushing, with the press ram/s at TDC or resp. open.

i)      What distance between the nearest parts of the upper and lower tool/s, with the press ram/s at TDC or resp. open.

j)      What ram stroke/s needed, to remove drawn parts from lower tool; how can they be moved to next operation avoiding collisions.

k)     Indicate if scraps to be removed by the automation. If they are, specify where they have to be dropped.


If a Press Line


a)     Specify distance/s between centerline/s of presses.

b)     Specify whether the line is designed for automated operation only or, any types of productions are with manual parts-transfer.


Production data


a)     Specify the number of shifts per day, for the automation equipment to propose.

b)     Specify how many working days per week, for the automation equipment to propose.

Products to be made


a)     Reference name/s or code number/s of the products.

b)     Specify what average lot/s for the specified production/s.

c)     Specify what hourly production rate wanted.

d)     Specify what required efficiency.

e)     Specify what press cycle duration/s.

f)      Specify what material type/s: magnetic, austenitic, aluminum…


Feeding by blanks

-the blanks


a)     Specify the minimum and maximum dimensions of blanks for each shape: c, d, e. -- If blanks not round or square, please attach drawings.

b)     Specify the minimum and maximum thickness of blanks for each shape.


-the stacks


a)     Directly fed into machine/s?

b)     On europallet (1200x800x120mm)?

c)     ^ Specify if the stack perimeter/s exceed the europallet edges.

d)     On custom pallets?

e)     ^ Specify if the stack perimeter/s exceed the custom pallet edges.

f)      Other than the above?

-feed mode


a)     Hand feeding (operator)?

b)     Using forklift/s?

c)     Using crane/s?

d)     Using transpallet/s?

e)     Specify if other feed mode than the above.

Double-blank evacuation


*)     Mark whether detected double sheets have to be evacuated automatically, or the operator would remove it by hand.


Feeding from coiled stock


a)     Specify whether the cutting to length operation is by an in-line shear, or by the first die.

b)     Specify the minimum and maximum thickness of material.

c)     Specify the minimum and maximum width of material.

d)     Specify what minimum and maximum length, for the feed step.

e)     Mark whether the shear can tilt and perform inclined-cuts.




a)     Specify all technical requirements for material lubrication.

b)     Specify whether lubrication only is required on blank upper face, or only on bottom face, or both sides.



ModelPress Automation QUESTIONNAIRE #3665
Stock Number680178