*** Coil, Fabrication, Steel Mill... Equipment

*** Coil, Fabrication, Steel Mill... Equipment

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Our Site features used machinery of Western manufacture, from qualified Brands: Coil Processing, Sheet Metal Fabrication, Steel Mill, Tube & Rollform, Wire Equipment......... alongside quality new equipment of our own design and construction

By clicking on . Search Here . on the Home Page you will see the list of Search Entries, in over 30 languages.

If your search is difficult due to the vastness of the Site or for any other reason, please contact us for assistance:

> alex.groupmarketing@gmail.com

In the . Blog . Section ^ you will find some general information about us and specific sectors of our business; in the . Sold . ^ a Gallery of machinery and equipment sold by us in recent years

We send monthly Newsletters to our contacts informing them about technical news, machinery under construction, live demos, new entries of pre-owned equipment etc.



ModelCoil, Fabrication, Steel Mill... Equipment